Buton manual de semnalizare incendiu adresabil, Enea EC0020

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Buton manual de semnalizare incendiu adresabil, Enea EC0020

Resetabil cu cheie, fara geam de sticla, culoare carcasa rosie.


Tip incendiu:
  • Adresabil
Buton manual:
  • Montaj interior

Manual ENEA EC0020 (DCMIINE0EC0020-R100-20120924-WEB.pdf, 104 Kb) [Download]

Cert. LPCB Approval certificate No. 991h of 12/04/2013 (EC0020_C991h-01_20130412_EN.pdf, 208 Kb) [Download]

CoP CPR Certificate of Constancy of Performance No. 0832-CPR-F0443 of 14/02/2014 (EC0020_CoP_0832-CPR-F0443_i2_20140214_EN.pdf, 48 Kb) [Download]

DoP & EC DoC Declaration of Performance and EC Declaration of Conformity No.0832-CPR-F0443 of 14/02/2014 (EC0020_DoP-DoC_0832-CPR-F0443_20140214_ITEN.pdf, 111 Kb) [Download]

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